Integrity Test

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Integrity Test Sample Questions for Pre-Employment

5 MIN READ As we’ve covered in our last article on the uses of integrity tests for pre-employment screening, integrity tests are not limited to background checks for criminal activity. They’re also a good way of determining undesirable traits in employees like absenteeism, low productivity, and poor customer service. Because regardless of how skilled or experienced a person […]

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The Cost of Corruption: The Warning Signs of Financial Fraud

2 MIN READ The first part of this series post relayed the alarming findings of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). The organization reported on the increasing threat that corporate and financial fraud poses to companies around the world. According to the ACFE, businesses became aware of fraudulent schemes and activities mostly through tipsters. Of the 2,690 cases of occupational

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Safeguarding your Business: The Cost of Corporate Fraud

3 MIN READ According to reports from several organizations, incidents of fraud in the corporate sector are on the rise around the world. In 2018, these incidents cost companies from more than a hundred countries over $7 billion in total losses. It’s not surprising that the rising tide of criminal activity and fiscal damage has prompted businesses to find ways

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